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Hands-on Best Practices

In this Training of Trainers, we had an intensive 3-days training on "Best Practices for Sampling and Packaging of Zoonotic Agents" in...

Support to FMD control in Pakistan

During a workshop in Islamabad with provincial and federal staff of the veterinary services, we discussed the options for progressive FMD...

Biosecurity Hand-out

As part of an assignment in Gaza, developed a Checklist on Biosecurity for small-scale livestock owners. For livestock owners, this...

GOT IT: OIE PVS Orientation training!

Had been requesting this training since 2011. Was invited to participate in OIE-PVS Orientation training in Bangkok, December 2019. Was...

Risk-based FMD strategies for Myanmar and Lao PDR

December 2019 Update: Ministry of Agriculture in Lao PDR has endorsed the FMD Strategy. Under the SEACFMD programme (OIE-SRR-SEA), AHW...

Biosecurity practices for zoonotic diseases - Jordan

Under the Biosecurity Engagement Programme (BEP), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has granted VetEffect and AHW a project...

FMD strategy turned into TAD control plan

For May 2019, AWH was contracted to (help) develop a risk-based FMD strategy plan for GAVS (Mongolian General Authority for Veterinary...

Post-vaccination Monitoring workshop - 3rd tier

Between 11 and 14 February 2019, EuFMD will conduct a workshop for the veterinary organisations of Jordan and Lebanon on post-vaccination...

Situation analysis squared

Back to back, two one-week workshops on chapter 1 "Situation Analysis" of the Risk-based Strategy Plan (RBSP) for FMD control, in Lao PDR...

How to identify risk hotspots for FMD control?

One of the key principles of the Progressive Control Pathway (PCP) is to identify and prioritize risks for FMD virus transmission and...

Brucella and PPR sero-survey study design - Myanmar

Last November, back to Myanmar for training of LBVD staff, under the FAO-LIFT project in Nyaung-U, on developing sero-surveys for PPR...

Risk-assessment study for OIE

AHW signed a contract with OIE Director General, Monique Eloit to conduct a risk-assessment study on the incursion of exotic FMD...

© 2020 Animal Health Works

C. J. M. Bartels

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