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PCP-FMD > Development  /  Application  /  Facilitation 

PCP-FMD: Application

Key issues in the application of the PCP-FMD are:


  • Developing a risk-based strategy plan for FMD control - PCP-FMD stage 1;

  • Establishing monitoring and evaluatin on FMD control measures - PCP-FMD stage 2 and 3;

  • Supporting change management for the organization of FMD control - PCP-FMD all stages.



Contractor: OIE-Sub-Regional Office for Southeast Asia

Areas:  Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar

Direct beneficiaries: National FMD committees 

Duration of activity: 2017-2019

These three countries were assessed in PCP-FMD Stage 1 at the last SEACFMD meeting (March 2017, Siem Reap, Cambodia). OIE-SRR-SEA has asked AHW to support the development of a risk-based strategy plan for FMD control.


In December 2017, a joint regional workshop was conducted to outline the needs for developing the RBSP. In January and February 2018, in-country workshops are conducted to collect and collate data and information to establish an situation analysis (Chapter 1).

Additional support included: 

  • Identification of risk hotspots and gaps in controlling FMD;

  • Conversion of identified risks and gaps into component objectives of the FMD strategy;

  • Definition of the FMD control strategy;

  • Definition of monitoring and evaluation indicators, targets and means of verification; 

  • Elaborating the workplan, budget and tasks for veterinary staff involved

These were elaborated through online meetings (per country), a regional workshop in Bangkok (July 2018) and continued support through skype meetings and visits. For more information, see the blog post 




Contractor: EuFMD

Areas:  FMD-endemic regions in Asia and Africa

Direct beneficiaries: Any person working on FMD control

Duration of activity: started in October 2016 and ongoing

The Progressive Control Practitioner Network (or PCP Network) aims to promote and extend the global use of the PCP-FMD through supporting anyone applying the PCP-FMD approach. 

The objective of the PCP Network is to motivate active use of the PCP-FMD through formal and informal training on PCP and on FMD, and to offer a platform to share experiences  and learn from others.

The tactics of the Network include  regular online meetings and discussions around a specific subject for the duration of one month. In 2017 and 2018, we have discussed the following subjects:

1) Sero-surveillance for antibodies against FMD non-structural proteins (as a means to distinguish natural infection from vaccine-induced protection). For more information, click here

2) Outbreak investigation is more than taking samples and return to the laboratory. For more information click here

3) Socio-economic impact assessment of FMD outbreaks. For more information click here

4) How to identify risk hotspots? For more information, click here

5) Investigation of apparent vaccine failure, click here. 

6) Stakeholder identification and engagement, click here for EuFMD e-Learning site or here for some tools for stakeholder engagement

More information about the PCP Network can be found here.


Contractor: EuFMD - Component 2.2 of the EuFMD working plan

Areas:  Egypt

Direct beneficiaries:  General Office for Veterinar Services (GOVS)

Duration of activity:  4 times 1 week workshop (September + December 2014, February + April  2015)


The aim is to develop a risk-based strategy plan (RBSP) for FMD control supporting Egypt to progress from PCP-FMD stage 1 to stage 2.


The first workshop focused on making use of value-chain analysis for risk analysis of FMD. Identified risks were further elaborated by developing risk pathways.


In the second workshop, work continued on developing standard operating procedures (outbreak investigation, response to notified FMD outbreaks, biosecurity) and conversion of identified risk hotspots into component objectives for the RBSP.


The third workshop reviewed component objectives, defined tactics and related activities, while a stakeholder meeting and the simulation exericise "Aphtostania" emphasized the need for stakeholder consultation. 


The fourth workshop aims at finalzing the RBSP including the operational plan and system of monitoring and evaluation both implementation and impact over time



Contractor:  EuFMD with support from the Australian Ministry of Primary Industries and in collaboration with the FAO-RSU and FAO-Nepal. 

Areas:  Nepal

Direct beneficiaries:  Directorate of Animal Health, Nepal. 

Duration of activity:  9 Workshops, started in 2013

In the most recent workshop (November 2017), work focused on finalizing the Risk-based Strategy Plan for FMD control. This strategy plan is the indicator outcome for achieving the end of PCP-FMD stage 1 and thus making Nepal eligible for PCP-FMD Stage 2.


Contractor: EuFMD.

Areas:  Libya.

Direct beneficiaries:  Veterinary State Services.


Duration of activity:  2 Workshops (January + March 2014).


So far, 2 out of 4 PCP-FMD workshops conducted with national veterinary services.

Principles of value chain analysis, risk analysis and risk pathways.


Follow-up envisioned on developing a risk-based strategy plan for FMD control. 






Contractor: EuFMD

Areas:  Iran

Direct beneficiaries:  Iranian Veterinary Organisation


Duration of activity:  2010-2013


Project "Combating Foot-and-mouth Disease through enhanced and co-ordinated surveillance activities; Phase III of the FMD surveillance centre initiative".


The project aimed to reduce the risk of FMD circulation in Iran through achieving stage 2 of the progressive control pathway (PCP) at national level. The project improved early threat detection through a network of subnational laboratories in priority areas for FMD control, and upgrade, through twining programmes, the national epidemiology unit and national reference laboratory. 


At the final seminar, a Risk-based Strategy Plan for FMD control was presented by the IVO.







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