Project management > Projects implemented / Epidemiologic support and teaching
Project management

Support the development of Risk-based Strategy Plans for FMD control in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar
Contractor: OIE Subregional representation Southeast Asia
Countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar
Direct beneficiaries: National committees for FMD control of the Veterinary Services
Duration: December 2017 - March 2019
The objective of this project is to support the development of the Risk-based Strategy Plan for FMD control for countries to progress to PCP-FMD Stage 2. See for more information, here

Supporting progressive control of FMD in Egypt
Contractor: LLNL - AHW - GOVS
Country: Egypt and neighbouring countries
Direct beneficiaries: General Office for Veterinary Services (GOVS) - Egypt
Duration: January 2017 - March 2019
The objective of this project is to support the implementation of the Risk-based Strategy Plan for FMD control. There are five tasks:
Training on outbreak investigation - see for more details here
Routine outbreak investigation
Advanced outbreak investigation
Local response
Strengthening monitoring and evaluation by the Dpt of Epidemiology
External assessment of current vaccine production (two production sites) and procedures of current vaccine quality audit
Regional meeting between Egypt and 5 neighboring countries on FMD relevant technical issues
Support to sample processing and data management at the Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI)
Project is funded through Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and managed by AHW. Expertise is provided by contracted specialists. The project is directly linked to EuFMD's workplan 2017-2019, component 2.2.
For more information, please contact Animal Health Works
Risk analysis on the introduction of exotic FMD viruses into Southeast Asia
Contractor: OIE Subregional representation - Southeast Asia
Region: Southeast Asia
Direct beneficiaries: Southeast Asia and China Foot-and-Mouth Disease Campaign (members states Bahrain, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam
Duration: March - May 2017
Objective of this project was to conduct a risk analysis on the incursion of exotic FMD viruses into SE Asia. The document is available here
Results and recommendations were presented and discussed during a regional workshop on risk-assessment of incursions of exotic FMD viruses, ahead of at the OIE - SEACFMD 20th National Coordinator meeting, Pakse - Lao PDR (August 2017)
The project team consisted of Melissa McLaws, Joao Afonso, Socheat Sieng and Chris Bartels